domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Today I  talk about a job I would like to have in my future. I have been thinking about this job but the truth is that is not easy for me project myself into the future and talk about it doesn’t make easier. Perhaps I have not thought a specific job but I know with certain that I want to work with children in the educational area.
For many years the school has been shown as a place where learning is rigid where the principal objective is that children have to learn what society demands and ignoring other things that I consider very important, for example: the respect, the love, individual learning, etc.
I would work on this because I WOULD LIKE TO SEE A CHANGE, AND THIS IS MY principal motivation. The children have different opinions and these are as valid as any other, They have a lot to say and we are not hearing.
I think that the most important qualification for this job is never give up eventhough all is against us.
Find this job is not difficult if you find other people with the same project and motivation.